
Kybella is an innovative and effective non-surgical treatment designed to target and eliminate stubborn fat beneath the chin, providing a more defined and youthful facial profile. If you are considering Kybella treatment, contact Borrero Medical to discuss your goals and explore the most suitable treatment plan for you. With Kybella, you can confidently say goodbye to submental fullness and embrace a more sculpted and confident appearance.

How Kybella works:

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment containing deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body responsible for breaking down dietary fat.  During the Kybella treatment, a series of small injections are injected directly into the targeted area beneath the chin. The deoxycholic acid works to break down the fat cells, gradually allowing the body to naturally metabolize and eliminate them over time. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they do not regenerate, resulting in long-lasting results.

Benefits of Kybella

1. Non-Surgical Solution: Kybella provides a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures like liposuction, offering a less invasive and more convenient option for reducing submental fullness.

2. Improved Facial Profile: By reducing submental fullness, Kybella helps improve facial contours, giving the jawline and neck a more defined and youthful appearance.

3. Minimal Downtime: Kybella treatments typically require minimal downtime, allowing patients to resume their regular activities shortly after the procedure.

4. Long-Lasting Results: Once the fat cells are eliminated, the results are considered permanent, as the body does not regenerate new fat cells in the treated area.

Important Considerations:

1. Customized Treatment Plan: Everyone’s needs are unique, and your provider will tailor the treatment plan to achieve your desired results effectively.

2. Number of Sessions: Depending on the amount of submental fat and your aesthetic goals, multiple Kybella sessions may be necessary for optimal results.

4. Realistic Expectations: While Kybella can significantly reduce submental fullness, it may not be suitable for individuals with excessive skin laxity or those seeking a more extensive neck and jawline transformation.

Potential Side Effects

While Kybella is generally safe, patients may experience some temporary side effects following treatment, including redness, swelling, bruising, or numbness in the treated area. These effects are normal and usually subside within a few days to a week. It's essential to inform your aesthetics provider of any allergies, medications, or medical conditions before undergoing Kybella treatment to minimize potential risks.