Testosterone Replacement Therapy

What is TRT?

Testosterone injection replacement therapy is a medical treatment used to supplement or replace low levels of testosterone in the body. It is typically prescribed for individuals who have been diagnosed with low testosterone levels, a condition known as hypogonadism. Hypogonadism can occur due to various reasons, such as testicular injury, hormonal imbalances, or certain medical conditions.

Qualified candidates for this therapy are usually men who exhibit symptoms of low testosterone levels and have confirmed diagnoses through blood tests. Symptoms of low testosterone may include decreased sex drive, fatigue, mood changes, reduced muscle mass, and erectile dysfunction.

Who qualifies for testosterone replacement therapy?

Symptoms of low testosterone

Symptoms of low testosterone can vary but commonly include reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, mood swings, and reduced bone density. However, these symptoms can also be caused by other medical conditions, so proper diagnosis through blood tests is crucial.

How does it work?

Testosterone injections are administered intramuscularly, usually in the buttocks or thigh. The testosterone is slowly released into the bloodstream, which helps raise and maintain testosterone levels within the normal range. The therapy aims to alleviate the symptoms associated with low testosterone and improve overall well-being and quality of life.

What are the side effects or common complaints?

While testosterone replacement therapy can be beneficial for many individuals, there are potential side effects and complaints to be aware of. These can include acne, fluid retention, breast enlargement (gynecomastia), sleep disturbances, and an increased risk of blood clots. It's essential to work closely with a healthcare provider to monitor any adverse reactions and adjust the dosage if necessary.

Why choose Borrero Medical for your testosterone replacement therapy?

Borrero Medical follows strict guidelines and protocols to ensure the safety and efficacy of TRT treatments. This commitment to safety provides peace of mind for patients seeking hormone replacement therapy with qualified board-certified physicians.Additionally, our treatments are individualized based on clinical assessments & lab work while considering your treatment goals to optimize the effectiveness of the treatment and minimize potential side effects.