PRP Injections

PRP therapy is an innovative and natural approach to achieving radiant and youthful skin. If you're interested in PRP therapy, schedule a consultation with Borrero Medical to discuss your skin concerns and explore the most suitable treatment plan for you. With PRP therapy, you can harness the power of your body's own healing abilities to rejuvenate your skin, revealing a revitalized and glowing complexion.

Popular use of PRP in Aesthetics

Prp therapy has diverse applications in aesthetics and beyond. Some of its common uses include:

  1. Facial Rejuvenation: PRP can enhance collagen production, improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  2. Hair Restoration: PRP injections into the scalp can promote hair growth and help combat hair thinning and loss.

  3. Acne scarring: PRP can aid in reducing the appearance of acne scars and improving overall skin texture.

Woman getting PRP hair growth injection.

Benefits of PRP Therapy

1. Natural and Safe: PRP therapy utilizes your body's own components, minimizing the risk of adverse reactions or allergies.

2. Non-Surgical: The treatment is minimally invasive, involving only injections, and typically requires little to no downtime.

3. Versatile: PRP therapy can be used for various aesthetic concerns, making it a versatile option for individuals with different skin needs.

4. Long-lasting Results: While individual results may vary, the effects of PRP therapy can last for several months to a year or longer, depending on the specific treatment and individual factors.

Latin woman with beautifully smooth skin.

How PRP Therapy Works

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that utilizes a concentrated solution derived from your blood to stimulate tissue repair and regeneration. The PRP is obtained by drawing a small amount of blood from your arm and then placed in a centrifuge, where it is spun at high speed to separate the plasma and platelets from the rest of the blood components. The concentrated PRP solution is extracted and then skillfully injected into the targeted areas of the skin. The growth factors in PRP stimulate collagen production and trigger the body's natural healing response, leading to skin rejuvenation and improvement in various skin concerns.

Safety and Side Effects

PRP therapy is generally safe, with minimal side effects. Some patients may experience mild redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site, which usually subsides within a few days. As with any medical procedure, it's crucial to discuss your medical history and any allergies with Borrero Medical before undergoing PRP therapy.